Evergreen state college equity action plan
Procedure for Submitting MES Thesis to the Library and Archives
- MES Program office will submit a list of graduating students to the Library twice a year—At the end of Fall Quarter and at the end of Spring Quarter.
- Along with the list of graduates, twice a year the MES program office will box and deliver a bound thesis and an electronic copy of that thesis for every graduating student on the list.
- Each batch of theses will come to the library with a filled-out checklist that includes:
- Name of the student
- Title of the thesis
- Marked format boxes ___Bound Copy ___Electronic Copy (correctly formatted)
- Each batch of MES Theses will be checked in by Library Acquisitions, who will match the MES checklist to the contents of the box, noting any discrepancies and immediately contacting the MES program office if discrepancies are found.
- The Library will keep their copy of the checklist along with the list of graduating MES students, add the electronic copy to the library catalog, and place the bound copy in the College archives.
Note: Theses from degree holders prior to 2007 are bound volumes in the Archives. Those shown below have been digitized by request.
All Theses can be found on the Library's Catalog - Digital versions are available directly from links on the Catalog. Analog versions may be checked out if in the Library's stacks or viewed in the Archives Reading room if only in the Archives.
Degrees Granted 1988
Drummond, Jose. National Parks in Brazil: A Study of Fifty Years of Environmental Policy (With Case Studies of the National Parks of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Leigh, Jeffrey. Loss of Innocence: Environmental Liability for the Unsuspecting
Degrees Granted 1992
- Jacobson, Joseph A.Bioregionalism: Building a local sustainable culture.
- Phillipi, Scott Elton.Integrated waste management : a sustainable future.
Degrees Granted 1994
- Branch, Harry W.The Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, enhancement of the fishery with oceanographic tools and spatial division of fishing grounds between cooperatives and sanctuaries / QL444.M33B73 1994
- Savage, Meredith Seaman. An Evaluation of the Wetland Monitoring Program of the Washington Staet Department of Transportation. / QH541.5.M3S38 1994
Degrees Granted 1995
- Gradoville, Connie Mack. Developing a watershed theme based integrated science course for River Ridge High School
- Orelove, Jonathon. Adventure to Action: An Outdoor Environmental Education Program for Pre-Teens
- Peterson, Shane. Cellulose Degradation by Three Strains of Bacteria Found in the Gut of Zootermopsis angusticollis.
- Litman, Todd. Transportation Cost Analysis: Techniques, Estimates and Implications
Degrees Granted 1999
- Carnevali, Debbie D.Cougar--Human encounters: A search for the facts.
- Hayes, Cylvia. The biodiversity of Lake Baikal: Status, problems and solutions.
Degrees Granted 2000
- McMillan, Andrew. The Science of Wetland Buffers and its Implication for the Management of Wetlands
Degrees Granted 2001
- Footen, Brian .Impacts of piscivorous predation on juvenile chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and other salmonids in Salmon and Shilshole Bays of Puget Sound, King Co. WA. SH222.W2 F66 2001
- Holmes, Debora R.The Green Crab Invasion: A Global Perspective With Lessons from Washington State. QL444.M33 H65 2001
Degrees Granted 2002
- McClelland, Shannon J.Beyond theory: applying environmental interpretation in the U.S. National Parks.
Degrees Granted 2003
- Bailey, Chrissy.Low Impact Development: Barriers Toward Sustainable Stormwater Management Practices in the Puget Sound Region. TD657.5 .B35 2003
- Bartosh, Oksana. Environmental Education: Improving Student Achievement
- Knudsen, Cynthia. The Thomomys Mazama Pocket Gopher in Washington Prairies : A Contemporary View for Management. QL737.R654 K68 2003
- Sharer, William R.A Study of the Suitability for the Continued Use of DDT for Malaria Control. RA644.M2 S43 2003
Degrees Granted 2004
- Johnson, Patricia A.Status of wetland mitigation in Washington State.
- Kraft, Karin Fernbach. An assessment of environmental learning center visitor attitudes towards environmental education
- Schmidt, Anna Noelle. Evaluation of collecting and identifying hair samples to determine presence of the Mazama Pocket Gopher, Thomomys mazama, and other fossorial mammalsin the south Puget Sound, Washington
- Wahbeh, Hibba. Balancing the Impacts: Strengthening the Value and Rationale of Mitigation Measures Under the National Environmental Policy Act
- Schuett-Hames, Joanne P. Northern Red Legged Frog (Rana Aurora Aurora) Terrestrial Habitat Use in the Puget Lowlands of Washington
Degrees Granted 2005
- Kitabayashi, Maki.Museum exhibits as informal venues for environmental learning
- Missildine, Brian. Polychlorinated Biphenyl Concentrations in Adult Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Returning to Coastal and Puget Sound Hatcheries.
Degrees Granted 2006
- Branton, Cynthia J.Religion and Ecology: Mississippi Southern Baptists and the Environment
- Josephy, Alvin. The Snake River Basin Adjudication
- Casey H. Ehorn. Invasive Species and Compensatory Wetland Mitigation.
- Parks, Jared. Shorebird Use of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) Meadows in Willapa Bay, Washington.
Degrees Granted 2007
- Adair, Celinda. Regulation and Impervious Surfaces: A Case Study Looking at Changes in Total Impervious Area (TIA) and Impervious Surface Regulations for the Blake Lake Region.
- Abercrombie, Celina. Planning Implications of Cluster Housing for Wetlands and Their Buffers.
- Archbold, Brad. Using Algae to Capture CO2 and as a Feedstock for Biofuel.
- Buschmann, Whitney Katherine. If You Build It, Will They Come? The Future of Light-Rail in the Central Puget Sound Region.
- Cary, BrianHypoxia in Hood Canal: Using Modern Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Enhance Our Understanding of a Degraded Ecosystem.
- Chumbley, Kathryn. Prey Biomass Abundance, Distribution, and Availability to the Endangered Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias Jubatus) Population at Ugamak Island, Alaska, 1995-99.
- Healy, Megan. Global Climate Change, Habitat Fragmentation and the Lesser Long-nosed Bat: What Next?
- Longley, Kirsi. The Feasibility of Poplars for Phytoremediation of TCE Contaminated Groundwater: A Cost-Effective And Natural Alternative Means Of Groundwater Treatment
- McGarry, Shawna. Local Ecological Knowledge of Flooding in the Madison Valley Neighborhood of Seattle, Washington
- Painter, Luke. Growth Rates and the Definition of Old-Growth in Forested Wetlands of the Puget Sound Region.
- Paulson, Melissa Newell. Collaborative Watershed Management: Stakeholder Participation and Watershed Partnership Success.
- Pumilio, John. Carbon Neutrality By 2020: The Evergreen State College's Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
- Reese, AngelaAddressing Food Conditioning of Cascade Red Foxes in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington.
- Rock, Robert. An Evaluation of Mineral Carbonation as a Method for Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide.
- Schweizer, Vanessa Jine. Environmental Impacts of Development Practices of the World Bank
- Seymour, Karen. The Influence of Salmon Presence on Benthic Communities in Three Puyallup-White River Tributaries.
- Shoal, Robin. Predicting the Distribution of Whitebark Pine (Pinus Albicaulis) in Washington State.
- Smith, Alison. Raising Environmental Awareness Through Performance Art.
- Switz, Theodore. Sustainability of Applied Aquaculture in the US.
- Tilley, Aleceia. Comparison Study of Washington and Oregon's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Processes.
- Ubilava, Miriam. Effect of Winter Storm on Water Quality and Fish Toxicity: The Duwamish and Nisqually Rivers.
Degrees Granted 2008
- Cunningham, Kelly J.Bristol Bay and the Pebble Project: Red or Gold
- Deffobis, Andrew.Local solutions to global problems: Tumwater, Washington and the development of a climate protection program.
- Epstein, Jeremy D.A Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the Washington State Attorney General's Office: An Inventory Case Study
- Haque, Sarah R.Movement Patterns of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus Clarki Clarki) in South Puget Sound, Washington 2006-2007.
- Harris, Susan L.Conservation Easements on Mexican Ejidos: An Alternative Model for Indigenous Peoples.
- Hollis, Steven Scott.Patterns of Mineral Element Retranslocation in Four Species of Trees in Monteverde, Costa Rica.
- Iverson, Christina A.Fishery Management Past and Present: Updating the Management of Impacts on ESA-listed Fish Species Using Genetic Stock Identification Tools In-Season to Validate Pre-Season Fishery Model Predictions
- Johnson, Regina M.Stream Baiting for Sudden Oak Death: Fluvial Transport and Ecohydrology of the Invasive Plant Pathogen Phytophthora Ramorum in Western Washington State.
- Kennedy, Kevin M.The Extent of Hatchery-Origin Fish Among Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Observed in South Puget Sound Tributary Streams.
- Lumper, Randy.The Relationship between El Nino Southern Oscillation and Level of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Present in Washington Marine Waters.
- Means, John.Brownfields' Re-development in Washington State: Evaluatiing Legal Mechanism Performance in the Brownfield Context.
- Rutherford, William Willis. Adapting to Climate Change : Bridging the Gap Betweem Global Projections and Local Planning in the Chehalis Basin.
- Sola, MiLagros. Early Detection of Insecticide Resistance in Mosquitos
- Tangen, Jan G.Homeowner's Handbook to Protecting Puget Sound Streams.
- Towanda, Trisha.Effects of CO 2 -Induced Acidification on the Anemone
- Waters, Charley G.Biological Responses of Juvenile Tridacna maxima (Mollusca:Bivalvia) to Increased pCO2 and Ocean Acidification
Degrees Granted 2009
- Boyle, Sarah E. Oil Spill Response Equipment Caching: A Washington State Case Study.
- Cantin, Jesse Joseph. A Comparative Policy Analysis on Washington and Oregon Management Policies for Zebra Mussel Infestations within the Columbia River Basin
- Del Moral, Sara M.Transit Oriented Development in Renton, Washington.
- Farahzad, Maryam T.Water Quality Standards in Oakland Bay Associated with Shelton Sewage Treatment Plant.
- Fisher, Jeff. Farmland Preservation in Thurston County.
- Guyot, Lucienne C.Combining Post Occupancy Evaluation with the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Rating System.
- Jones, Gary K.Bioremediation of Contaminated Riparian Zones Using Mycorrhizal Fungi – An Exploration of the Feasibility of Restoration Through Mycoremediation.
- King, Kristina M.The Nature Exchange Program at the Woodland Park Zoo: Exploration, Evaluation. and Impact.
- Kopytko, Natalie. The Adaptation-Mitigation Dilemma: Is Nuclear Power a Practical Solution for Climate Change?
- Laggner, Daniel.Blue Whale (Baleanoptera musculus) Ship Strike Threat Assessment in the Santa Barbara Channel, California.
- Lai, Su-Miao.The Status of Air Pollutant PM10 from a Human Health Perspective in Taichung City, Taiwan.
- Langenfeld, Catherine. The Value of Ecological Restoration Volunteer Programs: A Case Study in Western Washington State.
- Lindberg, Anne E.Curricular Connections Between Outdoor Environmental Education and Classrooms: A Camp Colman Case Study.
- Lucas, Jeremy B.Feeding Ecology of “Southern Resident” Killer Whales (Orcinus orca): Benthic Habitat and Spatial Distribution
- Murphy, Kyle C. Evaluating the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) at The Evergreen State College.
- Papiez, Chelsea. Climate Change Implications for the Quileute and Hoh Tribes of Washington: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Climatic Disruptions to Coastal Indigenous Communities.
- Pyrooz, Natalie. Connecting Living and Learning about Sustainability: Installing an Edible Forest Garden in Campus Housing at The Evergreen State College.
- Rehm-Lorber, Jora. Community Composition and Influence of Forest Structure on Birds in The Evergreen State College Forest Reserve.
- Saul, Kathleen M.The Renewed Interest in New Nuclear Construction in the United States: Lessons from History, the Media, and Interviews.
Degrees Granted 2010
- Anderson, Jeffrey K.Comparing Endangered Streaked Horned Lark Fecundity to Other Grassland Birds.
- Brown, Rana Ann.Biodiversity of Benthic Mobile Fauna in Geoduc (Panopea generosa) Aquaculture Beds in Southern Puget Sound, Washington.
- Burlew, Dorothy A.The Effects of Pesticide-Contaminated Pollen on Larval Development of the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera.
Degrees Granted in 2011
- Baker, Loren R.Cascadia Earthquake and Tsunami Events as Reflected in Aboriginal Oral Tradition.
- Bateman, Patricia Hildebrandt.Marine Transportaton and Aquatic Invasive Species: Comparing Hawaii and Washington Policy.
- Bombara, Justin.A Case Study of Bicycle Facilities Network Implementation: The Seattle Bicycle Master Plan.
- Boyd, Lara.Controlling Combined Sewer Overflows with Rainwater Harvesting in Olympia, Washington.
- Clarke, Sara E.Assessing the Rehabilitative Potential of Science and Sustainability Education in Prisons: A Study of the Sustainable Prisons Project.
- Falzetti, David B.Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) and Columbia black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), Managing a Wildlife Dilemma on Protection Island.
- Fowler, Diane R.An Analysis and Comparison of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether's (MTBE's) Use as a Fuel Oxygenate Against the Tenets of the Precautionary Principle.
- Garcia, Patricia Sun.Build it and they will come; a cost-effective analysis of salmon habitat restoration techniques in the Pacific Northwest.
- Grosboll, Daniel N.Taylor's Checkerspot (EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA TAYLORI) Oviposition Habitat Selection and Larval Hostplant Use in Washington State
- Grytness, Terry L.Combined Heat and Power: An Assessment of Washington State Policy.
- Kariuki-McGee, Mercy. A Bottom Up Approach in Climate Change Response in Kenya: Assessing the Benefits of Community Based Projects in Kirikoini Village, Kandara Division.
- Kincaid, Melanie.A Q-methodology Study: Stakeholder perspectives on the future management of Capitol Lake, Olympia, Washington.
- Littauer, Doug. Rural Wetland Functions and Protection: A Case Study.
- Litwak, Aaron.Solar Photovoltaics Usage Among California Homeowners 2006-2011
- Lyon, Ashley Lynn.Determining Suitability of Habitat for Reintroduction of the Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys marmorata) at Fort Lewis, Washington
- Macki, Lisa. Roaming Cats: A Survey-Based Study Exploring Owners' Behavior.
Degrees Granted in 2012
- Belleveau, Lisa. Determining the influence of soil salinity and tidal inundation on the growth, distribution, and diversity of salt marsh vegetation: implications for the restoration of the Nisqually Delta, Washington.
- Brown, Clare E.Exploring Migratory Connectivity in the Calliope Hummingbird Through Stable Isotope Analysis of Tail Feathers.
- Clay, Shannon E.Removing Arsenic and Lead from Soils Using a Bioremediation Approach: Design, Implementation and Analysis of a Feasibility Study on Vashon Island, Washington.
- Ferguson, Noel P.Challenging Times for North American Bats: Planning for the Future of a Myotis yumanensis and M. lucifugus Maternity Colony at The Evergreen State College Organic Farmhouse, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.
- Flores, Lola P.Ecosystem Service Valuation: Opportunities for Increased Protection and Conservation in Clallam County, WA.
- Hayduk, Evan Anthony. Using LiDAR Data to Estimate Effective Leaf Area Index, Determine Biometrics and Visualize Canopy Structure in a Central Oregon Forest with Complex Terrain.
- Holcomb, Chris. Examining the Relationship Between Landscape Connectivity and the Breeding Effort of the Red-Legged Frog (Rana Aurora) in Western Washington Wetlands.
- Husby, Jennie F.Pollinators May Not Limit Native Seed Viability for Puget Sound Lowland Prairie Restoration.
- Kangiser, David. Analysis of Megafauna Detections.
- Keodara, Andreas. Understanding the Phenomena of Institutionalized Recycling and Composting Programs.
- Kreamer, Kirsten A. Factors Affecting the Success of Pigeon Guillemots on Whidbey Island, Puget Sound, Washington, During the 2009 Breeding Season.
- Kruse, Ryan.The Impact of Nutria (Myocastor coypu) as an Invasive Species and its Possible Distribution in the Pacific Norhtwest.
- Lim, Jason R.Occurance and Distribution of Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia Events in Washington State: Analysis of Scientific Findings and Policy Responses.
- Loft, Don S.Identification of Degraded Lotic Freshwater that Affects Salmon Habitat, Shellfish Beds and Recreation in South Puget Sound Using Water Quality Data and Land Use Aanalysis.
- Maskin, Zachary A.An Assessment of the Capacity and Costs of Electrolytic Hydrogen Production from Surplus Hydroelectricity in the Pacific Northwest.
- Mattheis, Luke. Assessing Cost-Effective Energy Savings on Joint Base Lewis-McChord Housing.
- O'Neill, Daniel.The Economic Benefits of Organic Farming on a Dairy Farm in Thurston County, Washington.
- Pico, Melissa Ka'iulani.Ua ku i kahi haiki: Voices of Konohiki and Educators on Obstacles & Successes in Cultivating Traditional Hawaiian Resource Management on Moloka'I & Oah'u.
- Rogers, Justin. Youth Education Programs at College and University Student Farmsin the United States: An Investigation of Initial Program Implementation and Long-Term Organizational and Financial Sustainability.
- Sanford, Emily. An Analysis of the Comercial Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Industry in Willapa Bay, Wa.: Environmental History, Threatened Species, Pesticide Use, and Economics.
- Schoenberg, Kari M.Improving the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan through Successful Reintroduction of Gray Wolves in the Northern United States.
- Snyder, Jennifer E.Consumer Choice and Green Power in Washington State.
- Sommers, Frank C.Behavioral Response of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to Combinations of Dissolved Copper and Submerged Structure in Freshwater and Seawater.
- Vandever, Jennifer Ann. Should Sculpin from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska Be Added to the North Pacific Food System.
- Weber, Sarah R.Environmental Education in Prison: A Comparison of Teaching Methods and Their Influence on Inmate Attitudes and Knowledge of Environmental Topics
- Wederspahn, Anna M.Managing YOung Stands in Western Washington to Expedite Complex Forest Structure and Biotic Diversity: Review, Rationale, and Recommendations.
Degrees Granted 2013
- Addae, Kwasi. The Effects of Marine Reserves on Regional Groundfish Diversity within the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, State.
- Andrusyszyn, Robyn.Using Fire for Butterflies: Soil Characteristics Across a Burn Gradient in Western Washington Prairies.
- Aubrey, Dennis.Oviposition Preference in Taylor's Checkerspot Butterflies (EUPHYDRYAS EDITHA TAYLORI): Collaberative Research and Conservation With Incarcerated Women.
- Baur, Alison. Policy Alternatives for English Ivy Management in Washington State.
- Beaman, Floyd.The Cost-Effectiveness of Zero-energy and Near Zero-energy Homes in Washington State.
- Benedict, Timothy. Pathways for Promoting Anaerobic Digestion in Washington State.
- Blumhagen, Stephanie A.Collaboration for Protection of a Sacred Site: A Case Study on Tamanowas Rock
- Bucci, Gianluca. A Reading of Heidegger's Phenomenological Hermeneutic of the History of Being in Support of the Didactic Relevance of Philosophy to Science Education.
- Coleman, Robert E.Establishing a Baseline: A Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory for Thurston County, Wa.
- Cornell, Jason R.Payment for Ecosystem Services: Structural and Practical Barriers to Success.
- Dochow, Dianne.Transforming Tradition: A Case Study of Stormwater Management in Clark County, Washington to Assess Barriers to Low Impact Development Strategies.
- Dozier, Debra.Claiming Glacier Bay.
- DuBois, Jodie M.Assessment of Farm Owners' Perspectives and Preferred Methods to Farmland Preservation in Urbanizing Thurston County.
- Faulkner, Hanna. Influence of Aquaculture on Winter Sea Duck Distribution and Abundance in South Puget Sound.
- Gallagher, Brittany E.Science and Sustainability Programs in Prisons: Assessing the Effects of Participation on Inmates.
- Gelderloos, Lucy A.Can Cities Achieve What Kyoto Failed to Do? A Case Study of Seattle's Climate Policy.
- Gilman, Nathaniel Ebi.Examining Spatial Concentrations of Marine Micro-Plastics on Shorelines in South Puget Sound, Washington.
- Hanlon, Erin M. Perceptions of Marine Protected Areas in Puget Sound.
- Holly, Carole Anne. "Environmental Justice" for Indigenous Peoples: A Case Study of the Louden Tribal Council.
- Johnson, TJ. Sustainability Planning in Thurston County, Washington: Opportunities and Challenges for Eco-Civic Agriculture.
- Karboski, Kara.Distribution of Urban Household Carbon Dioxide Emissions Along a Socioeconomic Gradient of Indianapolis, In.
- Kowalewski, Heather.An Inquiry into Democratizing Alternative AgroFood Movements: Participation of Social Justice Organizations and Underserved Populations in the Thurston County Food Systems Council
- Krebs, Nathan.Comparison of Urine Diverting Toilet Systems to Conventional Wastewater Treatment and Assessment of the Feasibility of Replacing the Latter with the Former.
- Mangold, Evan.Hydrokinetic Power: An Analysis of its Performance and Potential in the Roza and Kittias Canals.
- Marnia, Marxa.Growth Medicine and the Sachs-Warnerian Narrative: The Development of the 'Resource Curse' in Economic Thought.
- Martin, Andrea S.How Significant and for Whom? Investigationg the Influence of Conservation Corps on Environmental Attitudes.
- Masello, Daniel M.Variations in Surface Soil Organic Carbon at the Duckabush River Delta, Washington.
- Mazzone, Scott.Identifying Effective Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) Depridation deterrent strategies for Washington Coast Commercial Longline Fishermen.
- McBee, Ashley RoseBuilding the Platform for Collaborative Natural Resource Management: A Case Study of Human Dimensions in Puget Sound Salmon Recovery.
- Pinjuv, Kyle.Estimating Black Bear Population Size in Gustavus, Alaska: Implications for Determining the Effect of Human Caused Mortality on Population Size.
- Potter, Sara Louise.Antimicrobial Resistance in Orcinus Orca Scat: Using Marine Sentinels as Indicators of Pharmaceutical Pollution in the Salish Sea.
- Price, Jesse D.Defining Coastal Boundaries: A Comparison Study of the Influences to Shoreline Policy around Puget Sound of Washington State and the Great Lakes of Michigan
- Proie, Shelby.A Systematic Review of Cortisol Levels in Wild and Captive Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Killer Whale, (Orcinus orca), and Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas).
- Rambo, Charles Alonzo.Urban Orchard Stewardship: Volunteer Motivations and Manager Perspectives
- Ramsdell, Kristen D.Diel Breeding Patterns of the Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa) Observed by Camera Traps
- Redfern, Mitchell. An Assessment of Initial Experiences with Anaerobic Digesters Among Washington State Dairy Farmers and Developers.
- Ritter, Matthew G.Evaluation of Priorities and Costs in Species Recovery Plans: Sonoran Pronghorn (Antilocarpa americana sonorensis), Louisiana Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) and Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierra).
- Roberts, Caitlin Payne.Phototaxis of Dungeness Crab Zoeae in High-CO2 Seawater: Implications for Coastal Ecosystems in an Acidfied Ocean.
- Spang, Brian. Insects as Food: Assessing the Food Conversion Efficiency of the Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor).
- Stamets, LaDena Che'. Best Mycorestoration Practices for Habitat Restoration of Small Land Parcels.
- Starr, Hailey.Analyzing the Influence of Interstate 90 on Elk Home Range Establishment and Resource Selection.
- Tucker, Heather Nicole. Birds Across Time: An Assessment of Historic and Current Water Fowl Surveys within the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.
- Walley, Jerilyn R.Valley Circulation Experiment: A Classification of Wind Flow in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
- Waterstrat, Frithiof Teal. Characteristics of Three Western Pearlshell (Margaritifera Falcata) Populations in the Chehalis River Basin, Washington State.
- Whisman, Marisa K.Revegetation of Post-Dam-Removal Riparian Sediments in the Lower Elwha River, Wa.
- Wolt, Kathryn Elvira. The Place of Alternative Agro-Food Systems: Examining Food Access and Emergency Food Systems in Mason County, Washington.
- Zimmer, Aaron.Exploring Experiences of Meaningful Engagement in Preparation for a Community of Practice.
Degrees Granted 2014
- Abdulghani, Lisa. Examination of Bivalve Shell Degradation for Alkalinity Regeneration Purposes in Hood Canal, Washington.
- Allen, Abbey L.A Comparative Analysis on Environmental Education in North Carolina, California, and Hawaii.
- Anderson, David. Harbor Porpoise Return to the South Puget Sound: Using Bioacoustic Mehtods to Monitor this Recovering Population.
- Anderson, Matthew. Residential Irrigation in Olympia, Washington: An Evaluation of Local Water Conservation Policy and User Behavior.
- Benedict, Kimberly Jones. Motivations of Community Gardeners in Thurston and Pierce Counties, Washington State.
- Blessing, Bonnie J.Wetland Ratios, Soil Types and Geologic History at Oregon Spotted Frog Wetlands in Thurston County [Wa.]
- Bush, Otis M.Incorporating Tribal Interests in Marine Protected Areas: Case Studies of Treaty Tribes on the Washington Coast.
- Dunn, Jennifer L.A Formative Evaluation of Washington State's Biodiesel Renewable Fuel Standard.
- Edwards, Fiona J.Investigating Disaster Preparedness within a Transitory Community: A Case Study of Student Attitudes at The Evergreen State College.
- Fischback, Jana.Social Marketing for Residential Energy Efficiency: Motivations and Barriers Relating to Home Improvements in the Puget Sound Region.
- Harrington, James W.Quantifying Land Use Disturbance Intensity (LDI) in the Skokomish River Watershed.
- Keese, Krystal.A Multifunctional Landscape Approach to Reconciling Renewable Energy and Crucial Habitat Needs in Washington State.
- Mann, Jaal G.Prairie Fire as a Selective Agent: Second-generation Responses and Plant Community Shifts.
- Marino, Matthew. The Ability of Minority Stakeholder Groups to Engage in Coastal Zone Management Decisions in Santa Cruz, California: Case Study of the Pleasure Point Seawall Project.
- Mounts, Cory E.The Value of Direct-Sales Farms to Conservation in Thurston County, Washington.
- Narog, Josiah.The Fox Island Energy Crisis: A Natural Experiment in Voluntary Energy Conservation.
- O'Leary, Britt.The Response of Birds to Drought: Examining Species Abundance and Reichness with the Christmas Bird Count.
- Osterberg, Allison E, Whose Shore? Assisting the Effects of Public Participation on Shorline Master Program Updates in Puget Sound.
- Plumley, Stacey A.Modeling Columbian Sharptailed Grouse LEK Occupancy to Guide Site Selection for Translocations and Species Population Recovery.
- Porter, Sasha R.. Mycorrhizal and Microbial Inoculation Affect the Growth and Survival of Native Plants Raised for Restoration.
- Pucci, Danielle.Exploring the Interwoven Relationship of Eco-fashion: A Production and Consumption Assessment of the Organic Cotton Garment.
- Ras, Drissia. A Laboratory Assessment of Biosand/Kanhan Arsenic Water Filters.
- Rhoads, Kyli Anne.Measuring Community Resiliance to Natural Disasters: A Case Study of Thurston [County], Washington.
- Runyan, Jennifer Sun.Seasonal Variation of the Genus Dinophysis within Puget Sound, Washington: Understanding Harmful Algai Blooms through Species Identification.
- Sanderson, Traci L.The Use of Stable Nitorgen Isotopes in Evaluating Landscape-Level: Nitrogen Inputs to Hood Canal, Washington, USA.
- Stendahl, Rachel.Examining the Ship Strike Risk of Humpaback Whales in Northern Washington State.
- Sullivan, Molly Tyler.A Temporal Analysis of Elk Movement in Relation to Washington's Transportation Infrastructure.
- Tejeda, Carola.An Analysis of the Effects of Eelgrass Beds on the Water Chemistry of Port Gamble, Puget Sound.
- Thelen, Laura A.Brownfield Impacts on Residential Property Values: A Case Study of the Ranier Court Brownfield Redevelopment Project, Seattle, Washington.
- Waters, Charissa M.Payments for Ecosystem Services in Washington State: Understanding Stakeholder Values and Potential Coalitions in the Nisqually Watershed Services Transaction Piolt Project.
- Wefferling, Leif T. Forage Fish Spawning in the Elwha Nearshore: Ecological Form and Function in a Changing Environment.
- Wilson, Samuel.J.Employing Life-cycle Assessment and Comparative Analysis to Reveal Holistic Perspectives in Regional Sustainable Development.
Degrees Granted 2015
- Abreu, Pamela.Restoring Hydrological and Ecological Functions of Wetlands Invaded with Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris Arundinacea) for Potential Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana Pretiosa) Oviposition Recovery at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Fort Lewis, Wa.
- Acevedo, Rudi Francisco.Encouraging Installations of Third Party Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Ownership as a Stratedgy for Decreasing Washington State's Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
- Aldridge, KT E.An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Environmental Consciousness and Attitudes Toward Evolution Among U.S. Christian Clergy.
- Alender, Bethany J.Understanding Volunteer Motivations to Participate in Citizen Science Projects: A Deaper Look at Water Quality Monitoring.
- Ansley, Brian. Managing Water Resources in the Yakima River Basin: An Analysis of Washington Water Rights and Their Influence on Irrigated Farmland.
- Azizian, Mehran. Effects of Crime on Law Enforcement Policies and Practices: A Comparison of Enforcement Strategies Between National Parks and National Forests in Washington State.
- Bell, Sarah Nicole. Implementing the Soil and Water Assessment Tool for the Puyallup River Watershed of Washington State: A Feasibility Assessment.
- Blakely, Sierra Sellers. An Evaluation of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Epifaunal Communities Following Large-Scale Restoration of the Nisqually River Delta, Washington.
- Boome, Peter C.Indigenous Architecture in the Modern World: How Indigenous Design Philosophies Can Inform Contemporary Structures.
- Close, Julian JamesSalmonid Habitat Loss and Hatchery Dependence: A Case Study of Chambers Creek, Washington.
- Davis, Sarah R.Diet Preferences of Juvenile Steelhead (Oncorhynchus Mykiss): A Comparison Between Three Hood Canal Rivers.
- Ferguson, Patrick J.Predicting Historical Logging Camp Locations in the Capitol State Forest, Wa.
- Garlesky, Jennifer. Freeing the Deschutes: Assessing the Implications of Sediment Transport in Dam Removal: A Case Study of the 5th Avenue Dam, Olympia, Washington.
- George, Tabitha A.Assessing Brucella cetl Infections in Oregon and Washington Dolphins that Stranded with Histopathological Lesions Resembling Neurobrucellosis 2006-2014.
- Greene, Sean Patrick. Accomodating Human and Small Animal Use of Washington Wildlife Passage Structures.
- Haley, Holly. The Current Status of Environmental Interpretation in Washington State Parks on Puget Sound.
- Hamilton, Lindsay. Nocturnal Habitat Selection of Wintering Surf Scoters in the Salish Sea.
- Hammou, Ahmed. The Missing Spiritual Dimension in Environmentalism: Promise of Islamic Environmental Ethics and Principles.
- Lamb, Audrey P.Understanding the Impact of Sea Lettuce (Ulva spp.) Density on Pacific Oyster(Crassostrea gigas) Growth in Puget Sound, Washington.
- Milleville, Laura E.Marine Bird Assemblages in Relation to Armored and Unarmored Sites in Central Puget Sound.
- Morningred, Brianna Lorraine. My Other Home is a Mesocosm: A Water Quality Analysis of Three Different Rearing Treatments for Rana pretiosa.
- Nadenicek, Nathan John. The Olympia Brewing Company 1896-1916: A Case Study in Environmental History and Life Cycle Assessment.
- Pier, Chapin.Restoring the Unseen River: The Viability of Hyporheic Zone Restoration for Improving Groundwater and Surface Water Exchange in an Urban Watershed.
- Pitt, Pah-tu Elizabeth. Addressing Food Sovereignty Through Access to Wi’wnu (Huckleberries): A Case Study of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
- Redig, Maria G.An Examination of the Toxicological Effects of the Leachate from Bioretention System Substrates on Zebrafish, Danio Rerio.
- Skill, Elizabeth. Exploring Environmental Volunteer Motivations: Two Case Studies in Thurston County.
- Stalnaker, Christina L.Soil Organic Carbon Content of Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Projects in Auburn, Washington.
- Starks, Garrett.Comparative Performance Analysis of Mod 303 Evacuated Tube and Flat Plate Solar Thermal Collectors.
- Uhrich, Alex. Can the C-Barq be Used as a Tool to Create Behavior Profiles for Working Dogs?
- Ungerer, Mark S.The Effect of Environmental Education on Variables Influential to Environmentally Friendly Behavior.
- Waddell, Chelsea D.The Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana Pretiosa) in Lowland Western Washington, USA: A Population, Parentage, & Non-breeding Habitat Analysis.
- Wagoner, Robyn. Hopeless and Mindful: In Response to Abrupt Climate Change.
Degrees Granted 2016
- Baird, Kendra. The Effect of Temperature on Larval Survival and Development of the Giant California Sea Cucumber Parastichopus californicus in a hatchery Setting.
- Boderck, Michele. Incidence and Severity of Swiss Needle Cast in the Coastal Forest of Western Washington: Examining Climactic Correlation.
- Ballantine, Amory. "Whiteness as Property" Colonialism, Contamination and Detention in Tacoma's Puyallup Estuary.
- Beach,, Kelly. Mouthline Injuries as an Indicator of Fisheries Interactions in Hawaiian Odontocetes.
- Carter, Joshua. Spatial variability of organic carbon within surface soils of an ombrotrophic bog in Western Washington.
- Coster, Caroline C.Exploring Non-profit Public Outreach and Educational Methods Used to Enhance Whale Conservation.
- Donavan, Deanna M.The Role of Non-Government Organizations in Supporting Washington’s Tribal and State Governments’ Salmon Recovery Plans.
- Ely, Conrad.Smoking Grass: Germination Responses of Six Native Poaceae Species to Smoke Water Treatments.
- Fuller, Matthew Thomas. Indigenous/Non-Indigenous Alliances Confronting Fossil Fuel Megaprojects: A Case Study of the Lummi Totem Pole Journey.
- Goodwin, Madeline Erica. Climate Change Education in the United States: An Analysis of Climate Science Inclusion in K-12 State Science Standards.
- Haenke, Sarah.Children and Conservation at Zoos: What Part Do Signs Play?
- Hobbs, Ryan M.Bird & Wildlife Patterns at SEATAC Airport Utilizing a Foreign Object Debris Detection System.
- Hruska, Rhianna M.Reproductive Success and Population Stability of Seven Raptor Species Following the Great Colorado Flood of 2013.
- Krock, Sarah.Effects of Sowing Time and RElative Prairie Quality on First Year Establishment of 23 Native Prairie Species.
- Loosle, Wendy.Crime Under the Canopy: The Correlation Between Urban Forests and Crime Occurrence in Olympia, Washington.
- May, Heather Ann. Bird Community Response to Passive versus. Active Management on Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Presler, April Danae. Sustainability in Higher Education: An Assessment of Washington State Colleges and Universities, 2005-2016.
- Rhoads, Anna.Stakeholder Perspectives of the Social and Economic Implications of Transportation Systems and Transit-oriented Development. A Case Study: Tacoma, Washington.
- Sahli, Natalie C.Nutrient Cycling Between Cultivated Manila Clams (V. Philippinarium) and Green Macroalgae (Ulva Spp.) on the Northern Hood Canal.
- Sweet, Sarah L.The Energy Intensity of Lighting Used for the Production of Recreeational Cannabis in Washington State and Implications for Energy Efficiency.
- Tainer, Ashlie. Impacts of the 2015 Drought: A Study of Orchardists' in the Yakima River Basin of Central Washington.
- Taylor, Greg S.Long-Term Nuclear Waste Forecasting for Liquid-Fueled Nuclear Reactors: A Comprehensive Long-term Analysis of Liquid-Fueled Nuclear Reactor Fission and Transmutation Products and Associated Environmental Concerns.
- Trageser, Hannah Leigh.An Assessment of the Raptor Strike Avoidance Program at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
- Trujillo, Shanyese.Zero-valent Metal Nanomaterials in Waterways: Using Microplastics as a Case Study to Develop the Overdue Policy Platform.
- Webb, Tiffany M.Connecting Environmental Justice and Prisons: A Critical Look at Social Movements, Environment and Mass Incarceration.
- Weibel, Whitney P.Examining the Feasibility of Vermicomposting Biosolids Prior to Land Application to Remove Triclosan and Methyl Triclosan.
- Williams, Daron.Managing Active Forestry Lands for Increased Water Retention: A New Approach for Protecting Summer Water Supplies in the Western United States.
- Wyatt, Allison. The Palm Oil Crisis: Providing and OUtreach Framework to Increase Awareness in U.S. Zoos.
Degrees Granted 2017
- Andersen_Desiree.Unraveling Korea’s Mysterious Ulleung Island: Human Impacts on the Forest Understory of a Temperate Island in the Sea of Japan.
- Andersen, Piek. Assessing the Benefits of Forest Certification for Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowners in Washington State.
- Burgess, Joey.Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene in Central America and the Carribean: Depth Over Breadth for Sustainable Interventions.
- Burt, Dakota.Connecting Community Concerns and Collaborative Decision Making for Wind Energy Projects in Washington State.
- Carroll, Terence.Equitable Greenspace Access and Neighborhood Gentrification in San Francisco, Ca.
- Caughman, Liliana E.Tribal College Student Perspectives: Sustainability Education Curriculum in STEM.
- Christy, Joshua. The Dynamic Interplay of Social Structure and Public Agency in Environmental Public Participation: A Case Study in Tacoma, Washington.
- D'Annibale, Stephen Joseph.Soil Attribute Variations Following Shoreline Restoration in Shelton, Washington.
- Denzler, Allie A. Hydromulching in Tidally Influenced Wetlands: Testing Methods to Alleviate Seed Wash-away and Revegetate Native Plant Communities.
- Eide, Greg.Looking for a Better Way to Find Wetlands: Comparing Mapping Models on the Quinault Indian Reservation.
- Frazier, Carrie.Improving Public Health Outreach for Washington Razor Clam Harvesters.
- Giboney, Emma.Socioeconomic Equity of Public park Access in Seattle, Washington: A Spatial Analysis Comparing GIS Based Measurement Techniques.
- Gilliom, Sadie. Insight into the Impacts of the Sustainability in Prisons Project's Western Pond Turtle Programs on the Work Environment of Washington State Department of Corrections Prison Staff.
- Graeff, Melanie R.Evidence of a Changing Climate Impacting the Fluvial Geomorphology of the Kautz Creek on Mt. Rainier.
- Clumpner, Graham.Climate Wars: A Fictional Approach to Climate Communication.
- Harris, Fawn Trey.The Influence of Land Use on Lowland Streams in the Puget Sound: A Case Studey from Carpenter Creek.
- Heiges, Stephanie.Urban Agriculture: A Strategy for Growing Sustainable Local Food & Community Resilience.
- Krossen, Kennedy.Evolving Education in the Environment: Reflecting on benefits of Facilitating Field Trips For Environmental Studies Faculty at TESC.
- Kimmel, Sairah.Evangelical Environmentalism and Environmental Mindfulness: The role of symbolism and beliefs within evangelical ideology and environmentalism.
- Kubina, Dylan.Projecting climatic suitability for a high-elevation amphibian in the Cascades Range: A Case Study of the Cascade Frog (Rana Cascadae).
- McKellips, Trace M.Spatial Patterns and Equity Implications of Wetland Mitigation in Western Washington.
- Moore, Emily Evangeline.A Spatial Analysis for Ecologically Conscious Wind Farm Siting in the Pacific Northwest.
- Passarelli, Emily.Becoming Environmentalists: Previously Incarcerated Individuals' Experiences with Science and Sustainability Programs in Prison.
- Surprise, Quasar.Student as Scientist: Measuring Outcomes of Contributory and Collaborative Citizen Science.
- Stevick, P. Frank.Migration Routes and Stopovers of North Puget Sound Snow Geese
- Thurston, R.A.Defining and Measuring Green Roof Failure Using a Case Study of Incentivized Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Vegetated Roofs in Portland, Oregon.
- Welch, Jennifer.Mouthline Pigmentation Loss and Fisheries Associated Injuries of Rough-Toothed Dolphins (Steno Bradensis) in Hawaii.
- Wilmes, Kristin.Analysis of Glacial Streams on Mount Rainier: Temporal and Spatial Trends in Glacial Meltwater.
- Yogev, Yonit.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the National Park Service: Narratives, Counter-narratives and the Importance of Moving Beyond Demographics
- Sow, Zeinab Sadiya.Reassessing the Potential of Waste in Senegal: Landfills an Opportunity to Fill in the Gap in Energy Production for Developing Countries
Degrees Granted 2018
- Azar Averi.Investigating the Effectiveness of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Identify Densovirus in Pisaster Ochraceus Infected with Sea Star Wasting Disease.
- Blue, Tara N.A Survey of Environmental Attitudes within the Deep South Black Protestant Church.
- Boome, Malena.Cosmetics: Consumers' Choice; Consumers' Policy.
- Brown, Jessica.A Parasitological Survey of the Cascade Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes Cascadensis) and the Coyote (Canis Latrans) in Mount Rainier National Park.
- Buhler, Steven Paul.Forest Disturbance in the Olympic Experimental State Forest.
- Case-Cohen, Alex L.Understanding the Soil Health Knowledge of Farmers in the Yakima Valley.
- Cracknell, Paula.Effects of Climate and Land Use on Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon Loading From Glacially Fed and Lowland Puget Sound River Basins
- Dodds, Jeanne M.Seeing Animals as Kin: The Role of Visual Art in Preventing Wildlife Trafficking.
- Follman, Clare.The Art of Arguing Science: A Critique of Scientific Rhetoric through the Invasive Species Narrative.
- George, Nicole M.Haa Jiyis Heide Shiwduwataan.
- Golding, William Maurice.Washington State Indigenous Nations and County Governments Climate Change Adaptation Planning: A Comparative Analysis of Intersectional Equity Considerations.
- Goodman, Tyler.Understanding Amphibian Behavior: Diel Cover Use Patterns in Alpine Lakes With and Without Introduced Salmonids.
- Graham, Marinda.Resilience in river basin management: A comparative analysis of approaches toward resilience in the Columbia River Basin and Murray-Darling Basin.
- Harbaugh, Bennett.Ecosystem Services as an Outreach Strategy for Invasive Knotweed Control
- Horkings-Brigham, Michelle L.Cannabis The Conundrum: Medical Mystery; Environmental Enigma; Neighborhood Nightmare; A Study into the Social and Environmental Impacts of Policy Governing Marijuana Production and Processing Operations in Rural Residential Areas of Washington State.
- Kohnen, Nicholas.Washington State Regulations Governing Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Current Limitations and Potential Improvements.
- Lovelett, Katherine M.Evaluating Equity Within Outdoor Environmental Education Programs: A Case Study of the Nisqually River Education project.
- Maupin, Morgan.Mercury Accumulation in Stream Periphyton of the Olympic Peninsula. Wa.
- McCormick, Kyle.Fish Assemblages in South Puget Sound Z. Marina.
- McGowan, Hillary.Perceptions of Green Spaces and Suburban Identity: The Aesthetics and Safety of Naturalization in Everett, Washington
- Miller, Kirsten.Shoreline Armoring: Impacts on Nearshore Habitat in the Maury Island Aquatic Reserve.
- Newman, Tara.Changes in Water Associated Bird Abundance on Budd inlet and Capitol Lake, WA. From 1987 to 2017.
- Pierce, Lucy S.The "Sustainable" Plastic Dilemma: An Exploration of the Environmental Impacts and Social Perceptions of Bioplastics.
- Pittman, Ned.The Short-term Physical Effects of Stream Restoration at Big Beef Creek, Kitsap County, Washington..
- Salin, Shaina.The Sustained Impacts of an Agriculture-based Youth Development Program on Alumni's Connection to the Environment, Food, Community, and Self.
- Simmons, Arielle M.Small and Medium Sized City Action Plan Creation and Implementation in Western Washington and Oregon.
- Smith, Kenzi.Invasive Species Education and Citizen Science in Washington State.
- Thorkildsen, Eden.Framing Climate Change: Evaluating Articulations of Support for Mitigation Policy Alongside Communication and Scholarship in Washington State.
- Wilson, Telissa M.Characterizing Functional Biodiversity Across the Phylum Ctenophora Using Physiological Measurements.
- Zierdt, Brian.Monitoring Floodplain Restoration Using UAV Lidar and 2D Hydraulic Modeling on the Greenwater River, Washington.
Degrees Granted 2019
- Afolabi, Karimot.Bioremediation of Aminoglycoside Antibiotic (Streptomycin) in water by White Rot Fungi (Ceriporia lacerata and Trametes versicolor).
- Allowatt, Katherine P.Stakeholder Perspectives on Modernizing the Columbia River Treaty and Water Governance Strategies.
- Borges, Allison.Wildlife Corridors In Thurston County, Washington: A Spatial Analysis Of Regional Landscape Connectivity.
- Chenoweth, Benjamin Dean.Mycoremediation of stormwater using white-rot fungi: An in vitro examination of Stropharia rugosoannulata and Pleurotus ostreatus for aqueous Escherichia coli mitigation.
- Curry, Keegan.Reproduction in captivity of the endangered Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha taylori): a collaboration with the Sustainability in Prisons Project.
- Heubach, Meara.Municipal Solid Waste Contracts: Tools for Reducing Recycling Contamination?.
- Hieber, Sarah.Hoary Elfin and Kinnikinnick Response to Fire on Prairies at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
- James, Alexandra.Climate Change & Land Conservation Evaluating the mitigation and adaptation strategies of Washington State land trusts.
- Keleher, Katrina.Ecological drivers of riparian microclimate on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State.
- Keyes, Jason M.Enhancing prescribed burn fire activity predictive abilities with the addition of a dead fire fuel moisture content analog on Joint Base Lewis-McChord prairies.
- Manteufel, Nicole L.Effects of Increased PCB & PBDE Levels on Survival and Reproduction of Southern Resident Killer Whales.
- Marks, Arielle Frances.. Queer Interspecies Intimacies.
- McClusky, Paris.. Linking Habitat for Large Carnivores Between the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains: the Okanogan Valley of Washington State as a Case Study.
- McConathy, Kale Albert.. Applying Geodesign Principals for Climate Change Adaptation with Capitol Land Trust.
- Mintz, Amanda.. Integrating Sustainable Practices: Compost Tea as a Nutrient Supplement for Aquaponic Plant Production.
- Muzychko, Claudia.. Investigating relationships between endemic plant species and environmental variables to indicate ecological drought variations within regions of Italy.
- Ojala-Barbour, Reed.. Stream-breeding salamander use of headwater stream networks in managed forests of western Washington.
- Orando Baldus, Hannah.Sustainable Fashion's Response to Fast Fashion: Innovative Practices of Young Sustainable Clothing Companies.
- Orr, Deandra C.Gender Equality in National Parks Service: How integrating ecofeminism can improve the culture and employment of the National Parks Service.
- Rae, Mara Alexandria.Evaluating Procedural Justice in the Tacoma LNG Public Review Process.
- Richtmyre, Jeremy.Hikes & Likes: New Media and the Rise of Recreational Hiking in Washington State.
- Roehmholdt, Caitlyn E.Using vocalizations to determine the capacity for future cognition in the common raven (Corvus corax).
- Scalici, Tracey.Nest-site selection of Western Purple Martin (Progne subis arboricola) On Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA.
- Shepler, Bethany Jordana.A Critique of the New Ecological Paradigm: Stewardship and a Case Study of the Pacific Northwest Logging Industry.
- Smillie, Paula.Perceptions of Stream Community Residents Regarding the North American Beaver: Gaining Knowledge to Improve Management Practices.
- Stephens, Kelli Ann.Managing woody bush encroachment impacting southern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) habitat on a private reserve in South Africa.
- Stewart, Brian C.Assessing the permeability of large underpasses and viaducts on Interstate 5 in Southwest Washington State for local wildlife, with an emphasis on ungulates.
- Timmons, Isabella Nadia.Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas) Distribution in the Chehalis Basin: Maxent Modeling for Conservation.
- Tuttle, Megan E.An Assessment of sUAV Based Aerial Imagery: Modeling Fluvial Interaction of Bank Armoring Structures in Riverine Systems.
- West, Stanley Tyson III.Exploring the Interactions and Implications Between Ocean Acidification and Eutrophication in Budd Inlet.
Degrees Granted 2020
- Baus, Christopher.Laws and Landslides: Evaluating Unstable Slopes Rule Compliance as a Factor of Mass Wasting Susceptibility in Western Washington Forests.
- Benoit, Erica.Exploring Connections between Prison Food and Food Deserts: An Analysis of Formerly Incarcerated People’s Experiences.
- Campbell, Allison.Flood Risk and Environmental Justice: A Case Study of Thurston County, Washington.
- Cuevas, Daniel J.Spatial Analysis of Oregon Vesper Sparrow Territories in Western Washington.
- Davis, Christine.Strategizing for riparian corridor conservation in the South Puget Sound, Washington State.
- Dillon, Angela Morningstar.Juvenile Salmon Diets and Invertebrate Prey Resources: Assessing Restoration on Clear Creek, Puyallup, Washington.
- Duron, Anna.Environmental Justice of Safe Drinking Water to Disadvantaged Communities in Stanislaus County, California.
- Fisher, Amber.Oysters and Vibrio parahaemolyticus Illness Prevention in Washington State: How data analysis could help improve current policy.
- Hamer, Matthew.Pacific Northwest Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) Habitat Suitability and the Vulnerability of Identified Salish Sea Habitats to Oil Spills and their Legacy Effects.
- Hutchinson, JamieClimate Change, Everestification, and the Future of Mountaineering on Annapurna I.
- Kang, Meerea.Staying Afloat: Analyzing Water Shutoffs Through the Lens of Race.
- Kudlinski, Jessica L.Does a Bag Ban Work? A Case Study of Consumer Bag Choices Following a Single-Use Plastic and Carryout Bag Ordinance in Kent, Washington.
- Lester, Kevin Maxwell.Distribution, abundance, and seasonal variability of marine mammals in the southwest puget sound.
- Omerberg, Emilia V.Assessment of mercury concentration in the zooplankton of three Washington lakes.
- Smith, Gina R.Small Mammal and Invertebrate Seed Predation on Five Functionally Important South Sound Prairie Plants.
- Thompson, Elyse A.Prioritization of Evolutionarily Distinct and Endangered Species in California.
- Tiemeyer, Gavin Aubrey.Catching Inkfish in the Emerald City: A Narrative Exploration of Squid Jigging in Seattle.
- Wischniewski, Julian.Challenging legacies of exclusion: exploring narratives of identity-based conservation corps members in public lands.